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Book Cushions - The One That Started It All

Writer: Sarah BarnettSarah Barnett

I am often asked; where did the idea of our book cushion come from? Rewind back to 2013 when Springbok Crafts was coming to life, I had just become a mum for the first time to a beautiful baby boy. Having not long invested in my first embroidery machine my main focus was creating lots of lovely items for him from blankets, babygrows to teddies. However as he got a little bigger he became like so many boys infatuated with tractors and diggers.

There is a little sad side to my early motherhood as my son was mis-diagnosed on numerous occasions as having a severe bleeding disorder known as haemophilia. This rare blood condition essentially means his blood doesn’t clot. The most obvious symptom is bruising easily and excessively. With no knowledge of the condition but awareness of my sons ability to bruise from minimal contact, safe guarding became high priority. This is not easy with a toddler whose main ambition was to run before he could walk. I started making lots of cushions for him with tractors and diggers embroidered on as well as ones with his name on trying to keep things fun and colourful. As he grew more attentive to his bedtime stories (there were many as anyone who know me knows I am a complete book worm) and to help keep him engaged and comfy we designed our first book cushion - The tractor.

The Tractor book cushion was an instant hit and resulted in bedtime being even more fun and taking the imagination to a whole new level. It became more than just a cushion some nights it would bring the tractor of the story to life and others it provided the comfort he needed to snuggle up and listen. It soon became a morning routine to fill the pocket with all the stories ready to read for bedtime that following night. It wasn’t long before a digger book cushion design was added to our bedtime fun too.

Fast forward to present day and the tractor book cushion is still one of our best sellers. I always hope they are bringing as much fun to bedtime routines as they did for us. Due to their popularity we now have over 100 different themes and fabrics choices as well as designs tailored for adults too it’s safe to say we never grow bored of making them.

Thanks for reading, Sarah


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